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뒤에서 몰래 내 얘기 좀 하지마. Don't talk about me behind me back.

by 원어민 2023. 12. 24.

오늘의 패턴 behind A's back  A 뒤에서 몰래 


뒤에서 몰래 내 얘기 좀 하지마.

Don't talk about me behind my back.


네 뒷담화 한것에 대해 너가 나한테 화난 거 알아.

I know you're mad at me for going behind your back.


모두 앞에서 너를 놀리고 뒤에서도 비웃어서 미안해.

I'm sorry for making fun of you in front of everybody and also for make fun of you behind your back.


사람들 뒷담화 하면 안돼.

You can't talk about people behind their back.


뒤에서 몰래 다른 사람들 얘기를 해서는 안된다.

You shouldn't talk about others behind thier backs.


누군가의 뒤에서 몰래 소문을 퍼뜨리는 건 좋지 않아.

It's not cool to spead rumors behind someone's back.


너 걔들이 Joe 뒤에서 몰래 뭘 했는지 들었어?

Did you hear what they did behind Joe's back?


아빠는 우리가 아빠 몰래 신용카드를 사용해서 화가 나셨어.

My dad got mad we were using his credit card behind his back.


어렸을 때 부모님 몰래 해본 것은 어떤 것들이었나요?

What were some things you did secretly when you were young behind parents' backs?


당신은 친구들과 뒤에서 다른 사람들을 뒷담화 한 적이 있나요?

Do you ever gossip with your friends about others behind their backs?


내 뒤에서 몰래 그녀가 내 얘기 하고 있었다니 믿을 수 없어.

I can't believe she was talking about me behind my back.
