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시간을 좀 가져보세요. You should give it some time.

by 원어민 2023. 10. 20.

오늘의 해커스 영어회화

A : 책상을 환불할 거에요?

B : 아시다시피, 제 컴퓨터를 놓을 공간이 좁다는 건 맘에 안 들어요. 하지만, 환불받는 건 너무 번거로워서요. 

A : 맞아요. 그렇다면 시간을 좀 가져보세요. 익숙해질 거에요.

B : 잘 모르겠어요.


A : Are you considering returning the desk for a refund?

B : You know, I dislike the fact that the desktop doesn't have much space, but it's such a hassle to get a refund. 

A : You're right. Maybe you should give it some time. You'll get used to it. 

B : I don't know. 
