Q. What kind of behaviors are not allowed on public transit?
The first thing that comes to my mind is to talk louder on the phone on public transit to be not allowed. Most of the time, Korean tend to follow the public rules, but in this case, it doesn't work out well. I think more people need to improve public etiquette on that. And, sometimes you can see people argue over a maternity seat on the subway. This is because some elderly people just sit in maternity seats ignoring the sign. It seems to me that they don't think the maternity seat is bothering necessary by their standards. In the old days, they had never been educated about gender etiquette.
Q. What are you not allowed to take on airplanes?
I'm not allowed to turn on the phone on airplanes. I'm always wondering why they don't allow it. They say that it can bother telecommunications and put us all in danger. But, I still doubt that.
Q. What was your favorite subject in your school?
I liked science back in school. There were a lot of interesting things in this subject, such as the study of space and many different kinds of experiments. And also, what made this subject get better was that it gave me a clear conclusion without ambiguity.