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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

turn out, get through, get used to it, on the house, let me down, come down with something, used to, offer, how's your A going?

by 원어민 2024. 8. 20.

알고 보니까 별거 아니더라고.

It turns out it is nothing.


함께 이 위기를 이겨내자.

Let's get through this together.


익숙해지고 있어.

I'm getting used to it.


이건 서비스에요.

These are on the house. 


같이 축구하고 싶어.

I'd love to play soccer with you.


날 실망시키지마.

Don't let me down.


나 몸이 좀 안 좋은 것 같아.

I feel like I come down with something.


한때 농구를 했었어.

I used to play basketball.


나한테 일자리를 제안했어.

They offer me a job. 


공부는 잘 돼가고 있어?

How's your study going?


