23. can't believe, judging from, remain A, after all, speaking of, don't ever think of, not as well as, from what I hear, no chance of, be confuse with
내 눈을 믿을 수가 없어.I can't believe my eyes. 내 매니저가 무슨 일이 일어났는지 내게 말해주지 않았다는 걸 믿을 수 없어.I can't believe my manager didn't tell me what happened. 개 반응으로 볼때, 너 좋아해.Judging from her reaction, she likes you. 군중의 규모를 볼때, 무언가 큰 일이 일어난 모양이야.Judging from the size of the crowd, something big must have happened. 제발 앉아 있으렴.Please remain seated. 그 교사는 그 반항적인 학생을 인내심 있게 대했다.The teacher remained patient with the r..
2024. 10. 1.