Q. What is the best way to heal a breach between friends?
I feel that the best way to resolve the conflict between friends is to have a conversation. There were also a lot of things that happened to me. Most of the time, I start by having a conversation first when it happens. Most friends understand my words and make a promise to each other, but only a few friends don't get it and we end the friendship.
* 화해시키다, 틈새를 메우다 heal a breach
* 나한테도 많이 일어났었어. There were a lot of things that happened to me.
Q. Do you prefer to share lots of ideas or to remain silent during discussions?
I like to share my thoughts. Like married women, I must admit that I am talkative. I was actively involved in the meeting. However, I realized that talking too much alone is not a good idea. So, I have been silent at the meeting since it happened.
Q. If something has remained unchanged for many years, do you think it can last forever?
I don't think anything lasts forever. Even if something hasn't changed over the years, no matter how long it takes, it's bound to change someday.
* 나는 영원한 것은 없다고 생각한다.
I don't think anything lasts forever.
I think there's nothing that doesn't change.
Q. What are your tips for getting the better of your opponents in an argument?
(논쟁에서 상대방을 이기기 위한 당신의 팁은 무엇인가요?)
My tip for winning is simple. I tell them everything without any reservations. Surprisingly, when I'm honest with them, they are embarrassed and hard to answer back.
* 대패시키다, 상대방을 이기다 to get the better of = to defeat
* 거리낌없이 without any reservations