Q. Why do you study English?
I have a dream of living overseas and traveling around the world. Although I have to stick to my work now, I try to escape my work and my country. Some day, I hope to live without money restrictions, family, or something like that. That's why I study English.
Q. What was the most difficult thing you have faced at work?
I just got faced with difficulty at work yesterday. Today is the first day I get back to work. But, I got a horrible notice from my company. It's that they won't give my leadership position back. This is the first case that someone who gets back to work but didn't get the captain position used to have. It is not fair. I'm the only one being unfair. So, Yesterday, I went to the HR department and complained about this decision. The person in charge said to me "just wait". I snapped at him and asked him what the point of his decision was and what reasonable cause. He couldn't give me enough excuses. I was so mad that I jumped out of the conference room.
* 나는 그에게 쏘아붙였다 I snapped at him.
Q. What type of decision are you? A quick decision maker or a careful decision maker?
I tend to make decisions quickly. It looks careless. But, from my experience, the outcome of my quick decisions is always better. I used to be a careful decision-maker, but I realized it was not the best way. So, I changed my mind toward I make a quick decision, and if there's something wrong I can fix it later. It is more effective. It leads me to have less wasted time.
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