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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

요즘 일교차가 크긴 크더라 There's quite a temperature gap these days throughout the day.

by 원어민 2023. 4. 1.

A : 너 추워? 그런 코트 입기에는 좀 덥지 않니?

B : 나 매일 일찍 나오잖아. 오히려 좀 썰렁하던데 내가 아침에 나왔을 때는. 근데 지금은 네 말대로 좀 덥다.

A : 아 그래 . 요금 일교차가 크긴 크더라.

B : 해도 확실히 짧아졌고 여름 끝나서 너무 좋아.

A : 옷장 정리 슬슬 해야겠네.


A :  Are you cold? Isn't it kind of warm for a coat like that?

B : I leave early in the morning. It was actually kind of chilly when I stepped outside. But, you're right. It is kind of warm now. 

A : Oh, yeah, There's quite a temperature gap these days throughout the day.

B : Yeah, and the days are getting noticeably shorter too. I'm so glad summer is over. 

A : I guess I should start organizing my closet. 


그냥 퇴사해 버리고 싶다

I wish I could just quit my job.


화장 지우기 귀찮아.

I don't want to remove my makeup.

I'll just remove my makeup tomorrow.

Do I have to remove my makeup right now?


목이 아파

병원에 가야 하나?

My neck hurts.

I wonder if I should see a doctor.


핸드폰을 너무 많이 했나 봐.

I think I spent too much time on the phone.

I must've spent too much time on my phone.


왜 이렇지? 어제 잘못 잤나?

What's wrong? Did I sleep wrong?


자세가 안 좋아서 그래. 

신경성 아냐?

You gotta fix your posture.

Maybe it's stress related.

Maybe it's because of stress.


한동안 괜찮았는데, 또 이렇네.

It was okay for a while. I don't know why it's happening again.


오늘 무리했나 봐.

I must've overdone it today.

I think I overdid it today.


왜 자꾸 이러지?

Why does this keep happening?


며칠 지나면 괜찮아지겠지?

I hope it gets better after a few days.


늙어서 서러워.

I hate getting old.

Getting old sucks.


