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저것은 제 걱정을 덜어줄거에요. That'll give me less to worry about.

by 원어민 2023. 11. 23.

오늘의 해커스 영어회화

A : Mrs. Rodriguez가 파티 장소를 선택하셨나요?

B : Grand Hotel에서 열릴 예정이에요.

A : 와, 거기 비싼 호텔 아니에요?

B : 맞아요. 하지만 훌륭한 장소잖아요. 어떤 음식을 어떻게 대접할 것인지는 거기서 처리할 거에요. 제 걱정을 덜어줄거에요. 


A : Has Mrs. Rodriguez chosen a place to have the party?

B : It's going to be held at the Grand Hotel.

A : Wow, That's a pricey hotel, isn't it?

B : Yes, but it's a quality place. And they'll take care of what food to serve and how to serve it. That'll give me less to worry about.


