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15분을 넘겼군요 He did go over by 15 minutes.

by 원어민 2023. 9. 10.

오늘의 해커스 영어회화

A : 박수 소리를 들어보세요. 청중들이 그를 좋아해요.

B : Mr.Kim의 연설이 너무 길었다고 생각되지 않나요?

A : 음, 그러게요. 15분을 넘겼군요. 하지만 모든 사람들이 그런 그를 이해해주고 있는 것 같네요. 그의 연설은 정말 유익했거든요.

B : 그렇긴 하지만 일정을 맞추기 위해서 제 발표는 짧게 해야겠어요.


A : Listen to that clapping. The audience likes him.

B : Don't you think Mr.Kim's speech was too long?

A : Well, yes. He did go over by 15 minutes. But I think everyone's ready to forgive him for that. His speech was really informative. 

B : That's true, but I may have to shorten my presentation so that we can stay on schedule. 

오늘의 단어 모음

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환풍구 vent

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이웃 neighbor

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방탈출게임 room escape game

영화관 theater

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쇼핑 shopping


