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미리 말하지 그랬어요 영어로 오늘의 영어회화(출처 해커스영어) A : 너 밤에 어디가? B : 네, 회사축하파티에 가요. 멋진 호텔에서 열릴 거에요. A : 아 진짜? 음, 마침 George Benson 콘서트 표 2장이 생겨서 같이 갈까 했는데, B : 미리 말하지 그랬어요. 죄송하지만 오늘밤엔 같이 못 갈 것 같아요. Jane에게 같이 가자고 물어보세요. A : Are you going somewhere tonight? B : Yes, I'm going to a celebration party for my company. It's going to be held at a swanky hotel. A : Well, really? It just so happens I have two free tickets to a George Ben.. 2022. 9. 29.
I'm into~ 오늘의 패턴 I'm into ~ 에 빠지다. 나 너한테 푹 빠졌어. I'm really into you. 그녀가 나한테 빠졌다는 걸 난 확신해. I'm sure that she is into me. 나 요즘 요리에 푹 빠져있어. I'm really into cooking these days. 어렸을 때, 나는 테니스에 완전 빠져 있었어. When I was a kid, I was really into playing tennis. 그녀는 그 책을 읽는 데 빠져있어. She is into reading that book. 대화문 나 너한테 얘기 좀 하려고 했는데, 나 너한테 정말 푹 빠졌어. I've been meaning to talk to you. I'm really into you. 2022. 9. 29.
Do you like shopping? 등 Q. Do you like shopping? I used to like shopping and do a lot only a few years ago. In a nutshell, I quit shopping. I try not to go shopping and buy stuff. The reason I decided to do like that is it's from one clips on Youtube. One day, I happened to watch a clip, it's about the story that one woman became a billionaire. She looked my age. From an early age, she saved money. With the money she h.. 2022. 9. 28.
be still out there, at large 등 * be still out there : 아직 밖에 있는 그냥 나는 그들이 아직 밖에 있는 걸로 알고 있어. It's just that I know they are still out there. 진짜 범인은 아직 잡히지 않았어. The real killer is still out there. 오래 걸리지 않을 거야. It won't take for long. 그를 쏜 누구든 아직 잡히지 않았어. Whoever shot him is still out there. 내 애는 아직 실종 상태야. 시간이 좀 걸릴 수 있어. My kid is still out there. That could take days. * at large : 잡히지 않은, 활개 치고 다니는, 전제적인 마이애미에 잡히지 않은 용의자가 있어... 2022. 9. 28.