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영어/오늘의 패턴

나 막막해. I'm at a loss.

by 원어민 2024. 3. 30.

오늘의 패턴 막막해, be at a loss 어쩌면 좋을지 모르겠어.

나 막막해. 

I'm at a loss.


나 완전 막막하다. 

I'm at a complete and utter loss.


무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르겠어.

I was just at a loss for words.


데이먼을 어쩌면 좋을 지 모르겠어.

I'm at a loss with Damon.


그녀가 나를 해고했어. 완전 막막해.

She fired me. I'm at a complete loss.


그녀는 너무 짜증이 나서 무슨 말을 해야 할 지 몰랐어.

She was so annoyed that she was at a loss for words.


그는 해야 할 말을 잊어버려서 어떻게 했어야 할 지 몰랐어.

He was at a loss because he forgot what he was supposed to say. 


그는 교통사고를 어떻게 설명해야 할 지 막막했다. 

He was at a complete loss as to how to explain the car accident.


언제 보통 막막할 때를 느끼니?

When do you usually feel you are at a loss?


나는 이 문제들을 어떻게 해결해야 할 지 막막했어.

I was at a loss as to how to solve these problems.

오늘의 단어 모음

알람 alarm

잊어버리다 forget

사고 traffic accident

교통체증 traffic jam

출퇴근시간, 정체시간 rush hour

고정관념 stereotype

연속하여 consecutively

넓게 퍼지다 spread out

도처에, 내내 throughout

목소리를 내다 voice out

자살하다 commit suicide

4월 10일에 On April tenth / On the tenth of April


너 학교 결석한 적이 있니? 왜?

Have you ever been absent from school? Why?


나는 술고래라서, 가끔 술을 많이 먹은 날은 기억을 잃어. 그래서 술먹은 다음날은 꼭 쉬어야해.

I'm a heavy drinker, and sometimes I blackout after consuming too much alcohol. Therefore, I really need a day off after drinking.


