Q. Do you like living in your town?
Yes, I like living in my town. The first thing I like the most is it is not crowded. It is not populated compared with other cities. My town is small in Korea. But there are many jobs because big companies are located in my city. A lot of young workers come to my hometown to work in big companies.
Q. What do you think of tip culture?
Korean are not familiar with tip culture. As a customer, that's good for me. But, I suggest that we should introduce a tipping culture. There are many bad restaurant owners and bad customers in Korea. They all force kindness on their servers. I don't think they deserve it. They tend to be rude to workers. All workers deserve a tip for their rude behavior.
Q. What are you more familiar with? Being praised by someone or praising someone?
Praising someone is familiar on me than being praised by someone.
If someone praises me, I doubt if they are telling the truth. Because I know myself.
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