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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

floor vs story 구분 (지진, 출산 관련 스몰톡)

by 원어민 2022. 10. 12.

나는 5층짜리 건물에 2층에 산다.

I live on the second floor in a 5-story building.

I live on the second floor in the 5 stories building.


floor : 건물 내부 층수를 말함 I'm on the third floor of the department store.(나 여기 백화점 3층에 있어)

story : 건물 외부 층수를 말함 I have a three story building.(나 3층 건물 갖고 있잖아)

난 반지하에 살고 있어.

I live in a semi-basement.

Q. Do you believe in the earthquake could destory your house any minute?

No, I don't think so. My place is a high-rise apartment. I live on the 25th floor in a 30-story building.

As far as I'm concerned, this building has earthquake proof structure. It is shaking technique against earthquake. No wonder, sometimes, at the day it is very windy, I feel the building shake a little. I heard shaking is good for safe. 


내진 구조 earthquake proof = earthquake-resistant

최후 심판일 doomsday

동시에 발생하는 자연재해들로 인해 지구가 멸망할지도 모른다.

Natural disasters occurring at the same time might result to doomsday.

우리가 생각했던 것보다 지구가 빨리 멸망할 수도 있어.

The earth could be destroyed sooner than we thought.

We could face with doomsday sooner than we thought.

Q. How many hours did you labor when you gave birth to your baby?

It took me about 10 hours to give birth to my baby. Even though many years have passed, I still remeber that day I suffered a lot. It was a natural childbirth. During giving birth, I had a hard time but, after having a baby, I turned to be normal as if nothing had happened. The human body is very mysterious. Anyway, one experience of having a baby is enough. I don't want to get through this again.


자연분만 natural childbirth, natural delivery

제왕절개 C-section, cesarean section

시간이 많이 흘러서, After a long time, As many years have passed, Over time, Over a period of time




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