Q. The old should deserve respect. Do you agree?
I don't think so. I often see senior breaking the law in society. They think of ignoring law and rule in the community. In fact, I used to respect old people when I was young, but now I don't. Considering their behavior, they take it for granted to cut in line and ignore various social rules. There are more and more such old people like that. They want to be privileged and first. In terms of politics, they take a wrong action. They are blindly backing the president without any logical reason. According to the survey, almost citizens judge the president negatively, but only the elderly evaluate him positively. It is because they are being brainwashing by extrame youtube. They watch it all day long.
Q. What makes you feel unhappy?
It is my job. As you know, I have only 2 months left untilI I go back to work. Even though I'm taking long time off work, I dislike going back to work. My company makes us work hard. Even at midnight, when it is pouring or heavy rain and so on, I have to go to work. I'm low paid, but they ask me a lot. I'm practically a slave. I know I can't quit my work. My family requires double income. And I'm afraid to join other company. I have only one career, so I doubt if any company accepts me. I've talkd about my worries with my husband, In conclusion, we made a decision that I put up with it more and continue to work for the time being.
Q. Do you think it is natural that you want your parent to support you if you were a minor?
Yes, it is natural for minor to feel that they should get their parents' support. Because they've been gotten that support since they were born. No one says that it is not natural for parents to help them. If the parents don't exist, they can be the breadwinner. Someone is already like that. As a parent, I don't remind my son of it, but if he makes unreasonable demands, I'll tell him that parental support is not natural. Of course, I know I'm responsible for him, but it doesn't mean I need to give everything to him.
Q. Do you think it is natural to consider a person's appearance when you're finding a date?
Yes, of course. I think it is so natural to judge a person's appearance in my heart. It is just that we try not to express my judgement. But, only a person's appearance is not judgement in dating. It is important for me to consider not only his appearance but also his personality, physical shape, taste, fashion style and so on. Even the career of his family.
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