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영어 스몰톡 예시) Can you tell me the differences between men and women when it comes to shopping?

by 원어민 2023. 2. 1.

Q. Can you tell me the differences between men and women when it comes to shopping?

It is often the case that men dislike shopping and women spend a lot of time shopping. Most people think like that. But, I wonder if everyone is. It's because it isn't fit me. In my case, I've been thinking shopping is one of the most useless things in my life. So, I tend to go with the clothing I first pick in my shopping. On the other hand, my husband enjoys shopping. Shopping with family, I always wait for him to choose his clothing.

Q. Let's say you are on your way to the City Hall, but you get lost. How would you ask for help?

I would say like "Can you tell me how to get to the City Hall, I'm lost. I thought there was a shortcut to getting there. So, I lost my direction while trying to take a detour. No matter how much I search the map, I have no clue where I am."

