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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

영어 스몰톡 예시)Are you always polite to everyone regardless of their age?

by 원어민 2023. 2. 13.

Q. Are you always polite to everyone regardless of their age?

* 높임말 polite word, honorifics

* 반말 informal word, talk down word, casual word


In my case, I tend to use polite words to everyone. It's not because I respect them but because I want to appear as a good person to everyone. When I sense we build a good relationship, I feel less nervous and start talking down words.

Q. Do you forgive a person easily regardless of the situation?

I'm not a good person to the point that I forgive a person easily. I judge by the situation whether I forgive them or not. I find it difficult to forgive someone who hurts me. As I got older, I thought it could improve, but it didn't work.


** regardless off = in spite of = even though = notwithstanding
