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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

영어 스몰톡 예시) How do you define success?

by 원어민 2022. 12. 27.

Q. How do you define success?

From my point of view, I'm still thinking that success is equal to big money. You might think of me as a shallow human being. But, I can't help it. In the past, I didn't think that money was important in my life. When I was young, I dreamed of having a successful job, which means I wanted to be a lawyer or a doctor, something like an expert who looked intelligent and elegant. Over time, I realized that any labor job could not make me successful regardless of the job even a doctor thing.  For me, success means making much money without labor. More specifically, success is to have an automatic earning system. While other people are working for you, you just get the money and enjoy your life. That's what I call success.

Q. Who mostly makes decisions in your family?

Depend on the subject. When it comes to small house matters, I mainly make decisions. But, if the big deal is, like moving house, we all discuss it together. The other day, we got to have a thing to discuss. These days, housing price has plummeted because of interest rate hikes. So, I got the chance to buy the house I wanted for a long time. But, my husband was against my opinion. But, I could tell how cheap it was, so I insisted. Meanwhile, someone took it away and we didn't end up buying the house. 
