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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

영어 스몰톡 예시) Do you get along with your family?

by 원어민 2022. 12. 30.

Q. Do you get along with your family?

Yes, we all get along with each other. Only we all are so hectic and hardly keep in touch very often. I have a brother and a sister. The age gap is quite big. In my childhood, they ignored me. Because I was too young to play with them. But, now, we are not aloof. I always wish them well and hope this good relationship goes on. 


* I realized on me = I reflect that ~

* mutual interest = common interest

* 나이 차가 크다 The age gap is quite big.

* 냉담하다 aloof

Q. Do you have any experience to live in a dormitory?

No, I haven't lived in a dormitory. Instead, I once shared a room with my best friend. I thought we would not have a problem. But, it was my illusion. From the beginning together, I realized there was something wrong. We had a big conflict and I left the house after three months. When I look back on it, she was a little high-maintenance and I'm the other way around. 



