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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

영어 스몰톡 예시) What movie have you seen recently?

by 원어민 2022. 12. 28.

Q. What movie have you seen recently?

The last one I watched recently is "As good as it gets". It is an old classic movie made in 1997. Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt star in it. I'd never watched it before. Just the title of the movie is familiar to me. I happened to watch it on TV last weekend. It's kind of a love story between a waitress and a famous but hysterical artist. It was a good movie to kill time. I enjoy watching movies that I had never considered watching before but that ended up being very fascinating. That's what this movie is. What made this movie interesting is that the performance of the main actor and actress was so good and it has a well-structured plot. I think good movies need only great acting and a good plot. 


* 시간 때우기 좋은 영화였다

It was a good movie to kill time.


* 그건 반전 영화였어.

It was a movie with unexpected twists.

Q. Do you usually do your tasks in advance or right before the deadline?

Most of the time, I try to finish my job in advance. Because it has me less burden from jobs. If not, it is easy to be stuck with tasks to pile up. But, if the task is very challenging and I'm having a hard time finishing it, sometimes I finish it just right before the deadline. In that case/when that happens, I keep figuring out solutions and I often come up with that solutions right before the deadline. Then, I pull my all powers into it and manage to do it by the skin of my teeth. 


* 까다로운 tricky 촌스러운 tacky

* 그런 일 있을 때는 when it happens, in that case, 

* 가까스로 by the skin of my teeth

Q. What were you given for Christmas?

I was not given anything. I think I'm the one who gives my son something. He wanted me to give him 닌텐도for Christmas. I rejected his wish what he wanted. He always spends his time playing games with a smartphone. I don't think he needs a more gadget to play games. Instead, I took him to a good place. We went out to an amusement park for skating. He looked satisfied with our journey. 

Q. Did you buy something with your first salary?

It's a long long time ago. I remember buying a luxury bag for myself. I spent all my salary on it. I'd been with that bag for a long time, a few years ago, I sold it at a lower price at a secondhand shop. As far as I know,  luxury bags increase in value over time, and the seller said this item was too common to pay a higher price. 
