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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

영어 스몰톡 예시) Who is your role model?

by 원어민 2023. 1. 10.

Q. Who is your role model?

My role models are people who generate passive income, such as a building landlord, a writer, a Youtuber, etc. Once they have finished their work, the money automatically flows into their pocket. In the past, I didn't know that and I never learned that. I thought labor was the only way I could make money through. So, I did my best to get a good job and worked very hard. I realized that all that was unnecessary to me. Rather, they ultimately stole all of my power and energy. Over time, it got me thinking that I could be abandoned my company in my retirement.


* 난 경제적 자유를 얻은 사람들을 동경해. 

I admire people who generate passive income.

* 경제적 자유 : financial freedom

Q. If you had enough money and time, which country would you travel to?

As long as I have enough money, I would travel to Canada. The thing is, I will live in Canada. I'm getting suffocating to live in Korea. Packed bus, crowding, and busy, the faster thing makes me suffocate. I'm planning to move to Canada in a few years. Canada has great nature, fewer racists, and unwinding life. 
