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영어 스몰톡 예시) Have you ever been tempted to ask out your crush?

by 원어민 2023. 1. 6.

Q. Have you ever been tempted to ask out your crush?

Sure, I had a crush in my college. He is two years older than me. He is so cute that he got popular a lot. At that time, I was a shy girl and just stayed around him throughout my whole school life. I just kept my feelings for him to myself. After graduation, we ran into the company and ended up going out. More importantly, he is not my current husband. I keep it my secret from my husband. Now, I don't have any feelings for him and I'm just glad to have such a nostalgic memory for me. 


* 난 그에 대한 내 감정을 혼자만 알고 있었어. 마음속에만 간직했지.

I just kept my feelings for him to myself. I kept him in my heart.


* Today's comment

I admire your commitment to learning English and your positive attitude toward all corrections. Keep it up!

