Q. Who is your role model?
My role models are people who generate passive income, such as a building landlord, a writer, a Youtuber, etc. Once they have finished their work, the money automatically flows into their pocket. In the past, I didn't know that and I never learned that. I thought labor was the only way I could make money through. So, I did my best to get a good job and worked very hard. I realized that all that was unnecessary to me. Rather, they ultimately stole all of my power and energy. Over time, it got me thinking that I could be abandoned my company in my retirement.
* 난 경제적 자유를 얻은 사람들을 동경해.
I admire people who generate passive income.
* 경제적 자유 : financial freedom
Q. If you had enough money and time, which country would you travel to?
As long as I have enough money, I would travel to Canada. The thing is, I will live in Canada. I'm getting suffocating to live in Korea. Packed bus, crowding, and busy, the faster thing makes me suffocate. I'm planning to move to Canada in a few years. Canada has great nature, fewer racists, and unwinding life.
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