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오랜만에 수다 떨어서 좋았어. It was nice catching up with you.

by 원어민 2023. 10. 11.

오랜만에 수다 떨어서 좋았어.

It was nice catching up with you.


내가 40대라,

I'm in my 40's,


저번 달에 친구 생일파티에 초대받았어.

I was invited to my friend's birthday party.


겨울에 따뜻한 나라로 휴가갈 생각이야.

I plan to go on a vacation to countries with warm weather.


나는 그게 나한테는 산책으로 생각해.

I think that is going for a walk for me.

I think I considers it as a walk for myself. 


뒤에 있는 사람은 커닝하려하고,

파란셔츠 입은 학생은 시험에 더욱 집중하고 있어.

The person behind her tries to cheat the exam, 

the student in blue shirt is more focus on the exam. 


내가 그에게 그거 별거 아니라고 안심시켰어.

I assured him that it was nothing.


주말내내 집에 있었어.

폭염이었는데, 폭염으로 거의 죽을 뻔했어.

I spent the entire weekend at home.

It was scorching hot. The heat almost felt unbearable. I felt like I was being cooked alive. 
