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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

20240618 Post-retirement Life

by 원어민 2024. 6. 17.

단어 모음

작문 composition

복습하다 go over

취미 pastime

재미삼아 for fun

꾸준히 diligently


When calling it a retirement, I spend every morning studying English and Japanese.

My foreigner teacher is various EBS shows.

=> Ever since I called it a career, I have been spending every morning studying English and Japanese.

My language teachers are the various programs on EBS.


After studying, I do  compositions about 10 sentences with the expressions I had learned.

And I post the texts on the family's group chat and share it with my husband and children.

My husaband also makes use of the text he learned and does compositions and post it.

We chat about the sentences each other and teach the new words.

=> After studying, I try to write about ten sentences using the expressions I learned that day.

I share these compositions in our family's group chatroom with my husband and children.

My husband also uses what he has learned to write in English and shares are results in the family chat. 

We discuss each other's compositions and sometimes teach each other new expressions we have picked up.


My English skill doesn't improve dramatically tha I expected., but it is a fun to study itself.

Espectially, '입트영' suggests every new subjects, I can start learning it ever day

That's the reason learning English makes me wake up early in the morning.

=> My English skiills are not improving as quickly as I would like, but I get a kick out of studying itself.

Especially with new topics being dealt with every day on "입트영", I can start each other with a sense of anticipation.

For me, studying foreign languages is a joyful reason to get up in the morning.


