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영어/오늘의 패턴

It is good to + A

by 원어민 2022. 10. 18.

오늘의 패턴

It is good to  + A : A 해서 좋다.

(= I'm glad to(that) = I'm happy to(that) = It is lucky to(that))


여기로 돌아와서 좋아.

It is good to be back here.

긴장을 풀 수 있는 방법을 찾아서 좋군.

It's good to find ways to relax.

매일 8시간을 잘 수 있어 좋아.

It's good to get 8 hours of sleep daily.

네게 다시 연락을 받아서 좋아.

It's good to hear from you again.

네가 잘 지낸다는 걸 알게 되니 좋네.

It's good to know that you're doing well.


A : 내가 거기까지 태워줄게.

B : 두 사람은 차에서 못 나눴던 얘기하고, 어때?

A : 너 정말 친절하네. 

B : 그렇게 해요, 이따 봐요. 보게 되어서 좋았어.


A : Why don't we give you a ride there.

B : You two can catch up in the car, yeah?

A : You're very kind.

B : Settled, see you soon. It was good to see you.



'영어 > 오늘의 패턴' 카테고리의 다른 글

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