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영어/오늘의 패턴

Who would have thought that ~?

by 원어민 2022. 10. 8.

* 오늘의 표현 

Who would have thought that ~ : 누가 ~할 거라 생각했겠어?

누가 내가 1등 할 거나 생각했겠어?

Who would have thought I would win first place. 


누가 걔가 우리학교 중에 킹카랑 결혼할 줄 생각이나 했겠어?

Who would have thought he could marry the prettiest girl in our school.


누가 저렇게 멍청한 사람이 대통령에 당선될리라 생각했겠어?

Who would've thought such a dummy person would be elected President.


누가 그게 작동 안 할거라 생각했겠어.

Who would have thought it wouldn't work.


누가 그가 내 자식이 아니라고 생각했겠어.

Who would have thought he wasn't my child.


누가 그 집값이 그렇게 올라갈 거라 생각이나 했겠어.

Who would have thought the house price would go up like that.

* 대화문

A : 어제 부동산중매업소에서 나 첫사랑을 우연히 만났어.

B : 와우, 너 놀랐겠네.

A : 누가 내가 처음 사귄 남자랑 부동산 계약을 할 줄 생각이나 했겠어.


A : I ran into my first lover at a real estate agent yesterday.

B : Wow, you must be very surprised.

A : Who would have thought I would sign a real estate contract with the first guy I had dated.




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