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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

notice/figure/recognize/realize/be aware that 관련 한영훈련

by 원어민 2022. 10. 18.

(라이브 아카데미)

며칠 전에 서점에 갔는데, 어떤 여자가 사람들한테 막 둘러싸여 있는 거야. 무슨 상황인지 잘 몰라서 처음에는 그냥 직원 하나가 무료로 뭐 나눠주고 있구나 생각했는데, 좀 더 가까이서 보니깐, 그 여자가 사람들한테 사인을 해주고 있더라구. 거기가 서점이었으니깐, 어떤 유명한 작가가 팬들위해서 책 싸인을 해주고 있구나 싶었지. 누구였어? 몰라, 난 못 알아보겠는데, 내가 아는 작가는 아니었던 것 같아.


The other day, I was at the bookstore and I noticed there was a woman surrounded by a large crowd. It was hard to tell what was going on. So, at first I figured it was an employee handing out free stuff. But when I got a little closer, it looked like she was signing autographs and since it was a booksotre, I realized that it could be a famous writer signing books for her fans. Who was it? I don't know. I didn't recognized her. I don't think She was any writer I know. 


A : 늦어서 죄송하지만 저는 회의 일정이 조정된 줄 몰랐어요. 사무실에 도착하고 방금 알았어요. 

B : 괜찮아요. 어떤 실수가 있어서 모두가 제시간에 통보를 받지 못한 모양입니다. 이해해요. 자, 회의를 시작하기 전에 새로운 멤버를 소개하고 싶어요. 본사에서 부서이동을 했고, 이곳에서 저희가 하는 일에 대해서 잘 알고 있어요. 모두들 그녀와 친하게 지내길 바라며, 잘 적응하도록 도와주기를 바라요.


A : I'm sorry I'm late, but I wasn't aware that the meeting had been rescheduled. I found out just now when I got to the office.

B : It's okay. Don't worry about it. Apparently, there was some mistake and not everybody was notified in time. We understand. Before starting our meeting, I want to introduce our new member. She has been transferred form headquarters and she is familiar with what we are going here. I'd just like everyone to get to know her and help her get acquainted.

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