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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

help, support 등 도움 관련 한영 훈련

by 원어민 2022. 10. 17.

일상생활에서 도움받는 일이 많습니다. 입에 배도록 연습해봅시다.

help, support, give me attention 등 여러 표현

도움이 많이 돼.

It is helpful.

It helps a lot.


도움이 되니?

Is it helpful?

Does it help?


도움이 됐니?

Was it helpful?

Did it help?


응, 조금 도움 됐어.

Yes, It helped a little = It was a little helpful.


도움이 많이 됐어. 얻은 게 많았어.

It was very helpful = I got a lot out of it.


한국어 배우면서 많이 힘들었는데, 학교 선생님께서 많이 도와주고 힘이 되어주셨어.

(신경 많이 써주셨지)

I had a really hard time learning Korean, but the teachers in school were very supportive of me.

I had a really rough time learning Korean, but the teachers in school supported me a lot.

I got through learnig Korean, but the teachers in school gave me a lot of support. 

I was in trouble learning Korean, but I got a lot of support from the teacher.

I had a really tough time learning Korean, but the teachers gave me extra attention.


