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나 긴장돼. I have butterflies in my stomach.

by 원어민 2023. 12. 4.

오늘의 패턴 butterflies in one's stomach 긴장되는 


나 긴장돼.

I have butterflies in my stomach.

I get butterflies in my stomach.


면접은 항상 날 긴장하게 만들어.

Job interviews always give me butterflies in my stomach.


제인은 긴장하는 것을 느꼈습니다.

Jane felt butterflies in her stomach.


내가 긴장하는 것이 믿기지 않네. 마치 학교 첫날 등교하는 것 같은.

I can't believe I have butterflies in my stomach feels like the first day of school.


항상 난 토마스한테 말할 때마다 긴장돼.

I always get butterflies in my stomach when I talk to Thomas.


새로운 사람들은 만나는 건 나를 긴장하게 만들죠.

Meeting new people gives me butterflies in my stomach.


시험을 보면 항상 긴장돼.

Taking exams always gives me butterflies in my stomach.


내가 좋아하는 애를 볼때 마다 긴장돼.

I have butterflies in my stomach whenever I see my crush.


당신은 보스와 대화할 때 보통 긴장하니?

Do you usually get butterflies in your stomach when you have a conversation with your boss?

