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알고 보니깐 별거 아니더라고 It turns out it's nothing.

by 원어민 2023. 11. 18.

오늘의 패턴 It turns out ~ 알고 보니깐

알고보니깐 별거 아니더라고

It turns out it is nothing.


알고보니, 우리 고객이 머핀 사업을 하고싶다고 하더라구.

It turns out my client is looking to get into the muffin business.


알고보니깐 타이러는 등록조차 안했던데.

It turns out Tyler isn't even enrolled.


그들은 불가능하다고 말했지만, 알고보니깐 그렇지 않았어.

They said it was impossible, but it turns out it's not.


난 지갑을 잃어버렸다고 생각했는데, 알고보니깐 집에 두고 왔더라고.

I thought I lost my wallet, but it turned out I left it at home.


알고보니까 그 분석에 오류가 있었어.

It turns out there was an error in the analysis.


알고보니까 그 식당은 일요일에는 문을 열지 않더라고.

It turns out the restaurant is closed on Sundays.


어떤 스포츠가 쉬울거라고 생각했는데, 막상 예상보다 더 어려웠던 적이 있나요?

Have you ever thought a particular sport would be easy, but it turns out it was more difficult than you expected?


알고보니깐 내가 회사에 핸드폰 충전기를 두고 왔더라고.

It turns out I left my phone charger at work.



