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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

영어 스몰톡 예시) Are you usually thrilled to go hiking?

by 원어민 2023. 1. 2.

Q. Are you usually thrilled to go hiking?

Yes, I love hiking. It's not often for me, but once I go hiking, I get excited and enjoy hiking. The fresh air and the beautiful landscape of the mountain make me excited. There are several mountains in my town. It is so spectacular and large enough to be called the other Alps. Many tourists from all over the country visit here for hiking. Especially, Korean loves hiking and are so serious about the outfit of hiking. It is known that no matter how small the mountain is, they wear expensive professional clothes like professional hikers. 

Q. Would you be thrilled to have a bridal shower?

Yes, by the time I got married, a bridal shower was not that common. If given the opportunity, I would be thrilled to host a bridal shower.  

Q. Happy new year! How do you feel to meet a new year?

I'm so thrilled to meet the New year. Finally, my long vacation is over. I'm going back to work next week. No matter how much I hate work, it is exciting that there is a change in my life. From now on, we may talk on the phone at work. I made my new year's resolutions. Continuing to study English, don't skip working out. And the most important thing is my family is the priority in my life than my job. I used to work excessively as much as I put my family second. However, I realized nothing is more important than my family.   


인플러언서 돈 많이 버는거 보니, 나도 해보고 싶은데, 얼굴하는 게 부담이 된다. 물론 일부 인플러언서는 그들의 활동을 얼굴 노출없이 공유하는 건은 알다. 

I saw many influencers make a lot of money, I want to try it, it burden for me to expose my face. Of course, some influencers share their activities and earn money without exposure. I have nothing to show to others.
