Q. Do you usually keep your worries to yourself?
It's up to the worries. I sometimes share my worries with my elder sister and get her advice. We don't keep secrets between us. She is so wise that she gives me good advice in any situation. But, there is one case I never share with her. That's what my marriage life is. Cuz I know if I have a conversation with her about my marriage, she must be sad and upset. So, when it comes to that topic, I keep it to myself. Instead, I write my diary or blog.
* 우리끼리는 비밀은 없어 We don't keep secrets between us.
Q. If a friend of yours told you a small secret, would you keep it to yourself or tell someone else?
Believe it or not, I'm not a person who cares about someone else. I'm already burdened with my worries. I don't have any room to care about others' secrets. If I happen to know their small secrets, such as cheating on a wife or a husband, I keep it to myself and do not tell someone else. I'm really careful about giving my advice to others. Once, I did it, she got offended by the advice I gave her. After that, I make up my mind not to do it again. I often see women enjoy gossiping about others. Contrary to them, I don't think I'm fascinated with any gossip.
* 내가 준 충고때문에 걔가 기분나빠하더라구. She got offended by my advice.
Q. Have you ever kept secrets for your friends or family?
Quite a lot. I keep my secrets from my husband. I often get skincare or minor surgeries, I never talk to my husband. Because those cares are so expensive that my husband would freak out to know how much it cost. When I get something expensive, I keep it a secret from my husband. In the end, I'm always caught by him. But then, he is left with no choice.
* 나는 남편에게 비밀을 있어. I keep my secrets from my husband.
* 그는 선택의 여지가 없어. He is left with no choice.
Q. What's your favorite kind of pizza?
I love plain pizza without many toppings. That's because you can feel the taste of it. For my husband, it is the other way around for him/it's the opposite of him. He enjoys eating seafood overload pizza. Whenever we order pizza, we often argue about what kinds of pizza we have. In the end, my son has a casting vote to choose it.
* 그는 나랑 반대야 It's the other way around for him.
* 해산물로 쫙 깔린 피자 seafood overload pizza.
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