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Q. What's difference between convenience store and supermart?

by 원어민 2022. 9. 30.

Q. What's difference between convenience store and supermart?

First of all, convenience stores charge us more than supermart on averages. Of couse, they sell us at a discount from time to time, but it is not always. If I need to buy a lot of things, I am head for the supermarket instead of going to the convenience store. But, I missed something I have to buy at the supermart and buy it at the convenience store even if it is a little expensive. Also, there are some tables in the convenience store where you can eat instant food. In other words, convenience sotres not only sell things but also become restaurants. And you get some discounts if you drop by a convenience store after 9 pm.  


* 할인을 많이 해준다. 

They give a big discount = They give a price markdown.

* 동네 마트는 제품들이 한정적이다.

In the local market, their products are limited.

 Q. What are you worried about these days?

I'm worried about getting back to work, because, I've been off work for two years. I need to get back to work next year. I wonder if they give a captain position back to me. Two years ago, I was honored to get a promotion but just then I took off work. I'm exhausted from work. I wanted to rest and relax. I don't have any regrets during my vacation. In the meantime, I did everything I had wanted. I'm ready to get back to work. But I'm not sure they will let me be the previous captain.

Q. Who do you trust the most?

My older sister is the one I trust the most in the world. She is 6 years older than me. From an early age, I sticked to and count on her. We talk about everything. When I get in trouble and have worries, I always seek her advice. I confide in my sister. We often don't meet but, talk on the phone everyday. We live in the same city and we can meet anytime.    



