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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

Were you into watching Super hero movies when you were young? 등

by 원어민 2022. 9. 29.

Q. Were you into watching super hero movies when you were young?

Not really. There were not many suprehero movies and animations in Korea when I was young. I don't have anything I remember in particualr. From what I remember, I got only a few character like Micky Mouse, Tom and Jerry and so on. In middle school, Batman and Superman came out and were getting popular. I loved the previous Avengers and Batman movies. I used to watching it. But, as time goes by, new series keep coming out and getting complicated. I don't watch this series any more. Most ot the time, I just watch because of my son. My son is really into the Spider-Man series. He often mimics Spiderman and pretends to shoot something and kill me with his hand. He thinks I'm a villain. Only a few year ago, he was really into dinosaurs, but now, he never looks at it.  

Q. What is your favorite dessert?

I enjoy having a chewing gum. I think the dessert means the food after meals. I don't eat sugar food like cake as a dessert. After meals, I always have a chewing gum. That's why I can say my favorite dessert is chewing gum. In my country, there is this culture in which restaurants provide free gums to customers. You often see them placed in front of the counter in a restaurant so that guests can take toothpicks and gum on the house. But, I'm afraid this culture is disappearing as prices keep rising so much.   

Q. Are you good at cooking?

Not really. I'm not good at cooking. I used to live alone, I never cooked. Back then, I ate out every day. Now, I cook for my son. If I don't have any child, I wouldn't cook. I cook with shrimp as a staple ingredient. It's easy for me to make many kind of different dishes with shrimps. But, I order a delievered food twice a week.
