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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

Q. Are you scared of heights?

by 원어민 2022. 10. 3.

Q. Are you scared of heights?

I used not to be scared of heights. When I was Miss, I enjoyed taking the rides and even did bungee jumping. Everything has changed since the birth of the baby. I feel a lot of difference between before and after childbirth. The birth experience really changed me. Since I had a baby, I started to be afraid of heights and fast rides. 

Q. Explain one of Korean holidays.

There are two big holidays in Korea. I'm going to tell you one of Korean big holidays. It's 추석. It can be called it is Korean Thanksgiving day. During Chuseok, many families gather in the house to have a memorable service and share food. Chuseok is an unwelcome holiday for daughter-in-laws. They spend all day cooking in the kitchen. When Chuseok is coming, I get started to be nervous such as a phobia. My husband tried to help us but he was interrupted by father in law. He said men never go to the kitchen. I don't express my feelings in front of him, but when I get back home, I get very nervous with my husband. These days, some modern Korean families get rid of ancestral rites and go on a trip on Chuseok, on the other hand, traditional Korean families like us stick to our traditions.


