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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

When did you feel like you really hit rock bottom?

by 원어민 2023. 8. 12.

Q. When did you feel like you really hit rock bottom?

I felt like I really hit rock bottom during my last year of college. I was struggling with my classes, dealing with personal issues, and facing financial difficulties all at once. It felt like everything was falling apart, and I had a hard time seeing a way out of the situation.


* ~을 겪고 있다 was struggling with 

* 개인적인 문제들 personal issues

* 재정적인 어려움을 겪다 face financial difficulties 

* 한꺼번에 all at once 

* 무너지다 fall apart 

* 그 상황을 벗어날 길을 찾다 see a way out of the situation.

Q. Do you agree with the statement, 'the prestige of teachers has hit rock bottom'?

Yes, I couldn't agree with it more. In Korea, the prestige of teachers has reached its lowest point. It just happened. A few weeks ago, a young teacher at an elementary school took her own life. She had been subjected to severe mistreatment from difficult parents. This incident ignited a substantial issue, leading to extensive discussions within the Korean community. As a result, the right of educators has been further bolstered. 


* 최악의 상황으로 이르렀다 has reached its lowest point

* 자살했다  took her own life

* 부정적인 경험이나 영향을 받다  had been subjected to

* 상당한 논제, 이슈를 불러일으켰다 ignited a substantial issue

* 더욱 강화되었다 has been further bolstered

