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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

be faced with, keep it from ~ing, as long as, be done with, be tempted to, have got to, keep it to, be thrilled to, get along with

by 원어민 2024. 10. 7.

어려운 선택에 직면했군.

I'm faced with a difficult choice.


그 어려운 선택과 직면하는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니었어.

It was not easy being faced with the difficult choice.


너 그 일이 일어나지 않게 해야 돼.

You should keep it from happening.


다음 번에는 이번 일이 일어나지 않게 확실히 해줘.

Please make sure to keep it from happening next time.


나와 함께 하기만 한다면,

As long as you are with me,


스스로 조절할 수만 있다면, 와인을 마시는 것이 건강에 좋은 영향을 주기도 하죠.

As long as you practice self-control, you can gain some health benefits from drinking wine. 


너랑은 끝이야.

I'm done with you.


일 다 끝내면 전화해.

Call me when you are done with your work.


나는 그 케이크가 먹고 싶어졌어.

I'm tempted to eat that cake.


나는 오늘 학교를 빼먹고 싶어졌어.

I'm tempted to skip school today.


와준다면 고마울 것 같아요.

I would appreciate it if you could come.


제게 몇 가지 의견을 제시해 준다면 감사하겠습니다.

I would appreciate it if you could provide some suggestions.


나 가야해.

I have got to go.


넌 에밀리에게 어젯밤에 있던 일에 대해 사과를 해야 해.

You have got to apologize to Emily for what happened last night.


그는 혼자만 알고 있었어.

He was keeping it to himeself.


그 아이는 초콜릿을 혼자만 간직했어요.

The child kept chocolates to himself.


너와 친구가 되어 정말 기뻐.

I'm thrilled to be a friend with you.


너랑 일하게 되어서 정말 기뻐.

I'm thrilled to work with you.


우린 사이가 좋아.

We get along.


나는 우리 학교 선생님들과 사이가 좋아.

I get along with my school teachers.

