1. on the dot 정각에
2. go off to school 등교하다
3. know it backwards and forwards 완벽히 알다 = know it by heart = commit to memory
나는 아침형 인간이야. 매일 5시 정각에 일어나.
아들 등교시키고 나도 바로 출근을 해.
초등5학년인 아들이 그 노래를 얼마나 들었는지 가사를 외우다시피 알고 있어.
I'm a morning person. / I'm a early riser. I wake up at 5 o'clock on the dot.
After my son goes off to school, I leave for work right away.
My son, who's in the 5th grade, has listened to that song so often that he knows lyrics backwards and forwards.
혼자, 스스로
on my own
that day
on the day of
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