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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

put me on hold, snap at, cut a deal, cheat on, given, screw up, dibs on, heads up, skim through

by 원어민 2024. 8. 6.

저를 기다리게 하지 마세요.

Don't put me on hold.


동료한테 쏘아붙이지마.

Don't snap at your colleague.


우리는 거래를 맺었어.

We cut a deal.


그는 절대 바람피우지 않을 거야.

He would never cheat on you.


현재 상황을 고려해 볼 때,

Given the current circumstances,


망치고 싶지 않아.

I don't want to screw that up.


내가 그거 찜했어.

I called dibs on it.


나한테 미리 알려줘.

Please give me heads up.


시험 전에 필기한 거 대충 훑어봐.

Skim through your notes before the test.

