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영어/오늘의 한영훈련132

필요한 수면량은 개인마다 다르다.영어로 당신이 누구라도, 잠은 건강에 중요하다. No matter who you are, sleep is important for your health. 필요한 수면량은 개인마다 다르다. The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. Sleep needs are different by person. 일어났을 때 여전히 졸리다면, 더 자는 것이 중요하다 If upon waking up, you still feel sleepy, it is important to get more sleep. 성인에게는 하루에 7~9시간 정도가 이상적이다. For most adults, 7-9 hours per night is the ideal amount. 자신에게 맞는 양을 .. 2023. 12. 17.
걔한테는 너 밖에 없어. You are all he has. 걔한테는 너 밖에 없어. You are all he has. 이거 좀 이따할 수 있나요? Can this wait? 제인이 학교에서 나오는 것 보니깐, 내가 너무 성급했다는 생각이 들어. Seeing Jane coming out of that school was like wake up call that I was too hasty. 휴직한 게 엊그게 같은데 벌써 2년이 지났어. It feels like it was only yesterday that I took a break from work but 2 years have gone by. 그가 2년만에 더 쇼에 나왔어. He appealed on The Show for the first time in 2 years. 2023. 12. 10.
내 상사는 옆에 없었어. My boss was not around. 내 상사는 옆에 없었어. My boss was not around. 술을 많이 마시면 기억력을 많이 잃어. Drinking a lot causes memory loss. 예의를 가장 많이 신경쓰는 사람들은 다음 세대가 버릇이 없다고 말할 가능성이 높습니다. Those who cared most about respect were most likely to say that the next generation was rude. 책을 많이 읽는 사람들은 다음 세대가 독서를 좋아하지 않는다고 말할 가능성이 높습니다. Those who read a lot of books were most likely to say that the next generation didn't like reading. IQ테스트에서 가장 .. 2023. 12. 4.
(라이브아카데미) I can't say the same for / What is it with you and ~ / rub shoulders with ~ / They go hand in hand / to pick up where we left off / to get off on the wrong foot / to shoot from the hip / burn the candle at both ends / That tells .. ~은 그 정도는 아니야 I can't say the same for ~ = The same cannot be said for ~ 작년 행사는 좋았어. 준비가 잘되었어. 사고도 안나고, 다들 좋은 시간도 보냈지. 근데, 올해 행사는 그 정도는 아니야. Last year's festival was so good. It was well-prepared. There were no accidents and everyone really had a great time. But I can't say the same for this year's festival. 이건 좋은데, 저것은 그 정도는 아니야. This is so good, but the same cannot be said for that. 결혼식이 정말 좋았어.. 2023. 11. 24.