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Who is in charge of this deal? 오늘의 해커스 영어회화 A : 이번 거래는 누가 담당하고 있나요? B : 제가 탐에게 맡겼어요. A : 누가 새로운 소프트웨어 계약을 따낼까요? 우리가 계약을 할 수 있을 거라 생각하시나요? B : 탐이 잘 해낼 거라고 확신해요. 그는 협상을 아주 잘하거든요. A : Who is in charge of this deal? B : I gave it to Tom. A : Who will win the bid for the new software contract? Do you think we'll get the contract? B : I'm sure Tom will do a find job. He is excellent when it comes to negotiating. 오늘의 영어단어 모음 ~와 잘 지내.. 2022. 10. 19.
in detail 오늘의 패턴 in detail 상세하게 그들은 상세하게 논의했어. They discussed in detail. 너 학교 다닐 때 이야기 자세하게 해 줄래? Why don't you tell me in detail the story of your school? 그녀가 우리에게 상세하게 말해주길 바라. I hope she will tell me in detail. 그 선생님은 수업을 상세하게 설명하셔. The teacher explains the lesson in detail. 그녀가 내게 모든 것을 상세하게 설명해 주었어. She explained everything to me in detail. 내일 이것에 대해 상세하게 얘기하자. Let's talk about this tomorrow in detai.. 2022. 10. 19.
일상 등 스몰톡 Q. What happened last weekend in Korea? Last weekend, there was a fuss because of Kakao. The building of Kakao was on fire. The whole korean suffered super inconvenience. We realized that Kakao has a lot of influence on the whole Korean. I decided to stay away with Kakao. Despite Kakao's huge profits, they were not prepared for even such a tiny fire. / they failed to take preemptive precautions... 2022. 10. 18.
It is good to + A 오늘의 패턴 It is good to + A : A 해서 좋다. (= I'm glad to(that) = I'm happy to(that) = It is lucky to(that)) 여기로 돌아와서 좋아. It is good to be back here. 긴장을 풀 수 있는 방법을 찾아서 좋군. It's good to find ways to relax. 매일 8시간을 잘 수 있어 좋아. It's good to get 8 hours of sleep daily. 네게 다시 연락을 받아서 좋아. It's good to hear from you again. 네가 잘 지낸다는 걸 알게 되니 좋네. It's good to know that you're doing well. 대화문 A : 내가 거기까지 태워줄게. B.. 2022. 10. 18.