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A 하는 건 당연하다 영어로 오늘의 패턴 It is natural to A : A 하는 건 당연하다. 그렇게 느끼는 건 당연한 거야. It is natural to feel that way. This is natural thing to feel so. 휴가를 즐기는 건 당연한 일이죠. It is natural to enjoy going on a vacation. 소유권을 잃는 것을 슬퍼하는 건 당연하다 It is natural to grieve the loss of ownership. 우리가 상실감을 느끼거나 다음에 무엇을 해야 할지 확신이 없는 건 당연하다. It is natural to feel lost or unsure what to do next. 한국에서는 어른을 공경하는 건 당연한 일이죠. It is natural to .. 2022. 10. 14.
방귀뀌다, 오줌누다, 똥싸다 영어로 방귀 뀌다 fart, pass gas, break wind, cut the cheese 너 방금 방귀 뀌었냐? Did you just fart? = Did you break wind? = Did you cut the cheese? let out a fart release a fart pass gas 사람들은 다 방귀 뀌어. People pass gas. 오줌 싸다 pee, piss, take a leak, pass water 나 오줌 누고 싶어. I gotta pee(여자, 어린이), I gotta piss(남자) I take a piss. 나 어제 자다가 오줌 쌌어요. Last night, I peed on my bed in my sleep. 나 어제 어떤 남자가 길에서 오줌 누는 거 봤잖아. I sa.. 2022. 10. 14.
It sounds a bit serious 오늘의 영어회화(해커스) A : 세미나 끝난 후에 당신과 얘기 좀 하고 싶어요. B : 심각한 일인 것처럼 들리네요. A : 아니에요. 그런 건 아니고, 제가 Tom 씨가 말씀하시는 동안 몇 가지 받아 적어 봤는데, 그녀가 언급한 요점에 대해서 당신의 의견을 듣고 싶을 뿐이에요. B : 좋아요. A : I would like to speak with you after the seminar. B : It sounds a bit serious. A : Not really. I just took some notes while Mr. Tom was speaking and I just want to get your opinion on a couple of points she mentioned. B : Okay. .. 2022. 10. 14.
자원봉사, 투자 등 스몰톡 Q. Have you ever done volunteer work before? Yes, I used to do some volunteer when I was in university. I volunteered in helping some children. They were orphans. They lived in an orphanage. I joined the club where students were helping orphans and visited once or twice a month. All we did is to play with them all day long. It didn't have any benefits from school. It was just from the bottom of .. 2022. 10. 13.