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notice/figure/recognize/realize/be aware that 관련 한영훈련 (라이브 아카데미) 며칠 전에 서점에 갔는데, 어떤 여자가 사람들한테 막 둘러싸여 있는 거야. 무슨 상황인지 잘 몰라서 처음에는 그냥 직원 하나가 무료로 뭐 나눠주고 있구나 생각했는데, 좀 더 가까이서 보니깐, 그 여자가 사람들한테 사인을 해주고 있더라구. 거기가 서점이었으니깐, 어떤 유명한 작가가 팬들위해서 책 싸인을 해주고 있구나 싶었지. 누구였어? 몰라, 난 못 알아보겠는데, 내가 아는 작가는 아니었던 것 같아. The other day, I was at the bookstore and I noticed there was a woman surrounded by a large crowd. It was hard to tell what was going on. So, at first I figured i.. 2022. 10. 18.
When I fly back, 내가 귀국하면 오늘의 해커스 영어회화 A : 당신에게 부탁할 것이 있어요. B : 물론이죠. 어떤 것이든지요. A : 제가 귀국할 때 집으로 가는 길에 저를 좀 태워주시겠어요? B : 회의나 발표만 없다면, 기꺼이 데리러 갈게요. 당신의 비행기가 몇 시에 도착하는 지만 알려주세요. A : I've got a favor to ask you. B : Of course. Anything. A : When I fly back, could you pick me up on your way home? B : If I'm not stuck in a meeting or doing a presentation, sure I'll come and get you. Just let me know what time your plane arriv.. 2022. 10. 18.
컨닝, 웨딩 등 스몰톡 Q. Have you ever seen anyone cheating in a test? No, I haven't seen anyone cheating, instead, I did once. when I was taking a test, I found some ways to sneak a peak at the notes that I had written on the eraser. But, It was useless / It didn't work. Because the notes on the eraser had nothing to do with the test questions. Q. Are you against wedding system? No, I'm not against marriage itself. .. 2022. 10. 17.
help, support 등 도움 관련 한영 훈련 일상생활에서 도움받는 일이 많습니다. 입에 배도록 연습해봅시다. help, support, give me attention 등 여러 표현 도움이 많이 돼. It is helpful. It helps a lot. 도움이 되니? Is it helpful? Does it help? 도움이 됐니? Was it helpful? Did it help? 응, 조금 도움 됐어. Yes, It helped a little = It was a little helpful. 도움이 많이 됐어. 얻은 게 많았어. It was very helpful = I got a lot out of it. 한국어 배우면서 많이 힘들었는데, 학교 선생님께서 많이 도와주고 힘이 되어주셨어. (신경 많이 써주셨지) I had a really ha.. 2022. 10. 17.