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영어/오늘의 스몰톡

음식에 대한 스몰톡

by 원어민 2022. 10. 5.

Q. What do you eat when you feel like you're running out of energy?

Usually, I'm not a picky eater. So, I eat all the food, but sometimes I feel I'm running out of energy and I supply protein food to my body. If there is nothing in the refrigerator, I eat eggs at least. And after I exercise a lot, I'm craving for something sweet. It makes me getting power for a minutes.


* crave for : ~가 땡기다. 예) 단 게 땡긴다.

Q. Have you tried Mexican food?

Not yet. I just had nacho things for a snack. I hope I try Mexican food someday. I heard Mexican food is good. I don't think we have a similar food in Korea. 

Q. Why do Korean enjoy eating an alive octopus?

We've been eating it since we were young. We are used to eating an alive octopus. It isn't weird to us. I didn't know many foreigners got shocked to see us eat it. We dip it in salt and enjoy it with salty and chewy taste. These days, many foreigners to visit to Korea challenge for alive octopus.


* dip A in B : A를 B에 찍어먹는다.

* 나는 그것을 짠맛과 씹는 맛으로 먹지. I enjoy it with salty and chewy taste.




