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영어/오늘의 한영훈련132

고민하다 영어로 여러가지 표현 고민하다 여러가지 표현들 모음 1. I'm stuck between B and C (문제풀 때 고민하는 것) 2. I'm trying to decide 3. I'm still thinking (고민중이야) 4. I'm still debating myself (고민돼) 5. I have a lot on my mind (고민이 많아. 머리속이 복잡해) 6. I'll think about it = I'll sleep on it. (고민 좀 해볼게) 7. I'm not sure if I should do this or that. (뭐할지 고민이 되네) 8. I'm still on the fence about quitting my job. (일 그만 둘지 고민하고 있어) and what not (등등) 2023. 8. 2.
장대비가 내리네. It is pouring rain. 장대비가 내리네. It's pouring rain. 장마철이야. It is raining season. 비 올 것 같아. It is probably going to rain. 오늘 제헌절이야. Today is constitution day. 그날은 우리나라 헌법이 1949년에 만들어진 날이야. It is the day when our constitution was made in 1949. 날씨가 어둡고 흐려. It is dark and overcast. 너희들 모두 각각 소중해. Each and every one of you is special. 너희들 모두 소중해. All of you are special. 모든 물건 5% 할인이야. All of these are 5% off. 각각의 물건 5% 할인이.. 2023. 7. 30.
감사합니다. 여러가지 표현 맨날 Thank you 만 쓰지 마세요 I appreciate it. I appreciate you. Your patience is appreciated. I can't thank you enough. You shouldn't have. I owe you. I'm eternally grateful for you. I'm grateful you came to help my family. It means so much to me. It means the world to me. You made my day. How thankful I am for your support. I couldn't have done it without your help. That was really nice of you. 2023. 7. 30.
질문할 것이 있니? 에 대한 대답 모음 Q : Do you have any questions? A : No, I don't have any. No, I'm good. None so far. 아뇨~ 질문할 것 없어요. ------------------------------------------- 아무 소리도 안들리는 데요. I don't have any noise coming from you. ------------------------------------------- 우리집에는 통금시간이 없어. 아들이 초등학생인데, 저녁에 일찍 들어오는 편이야. No, we don't have curfew at home. My son is still an elementray student and he gets back home early. ---------.. 2023. 7. 30.