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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

그녀는 여기서 차로 20분도 안되는 곳에서 살아.

by 원어민 2023. 11. 8.

그녀는 여기서 차로 20분도 안되는 곳에서 살아.

She lives less than a 20-minute drive away from here.

She lives just a short away, less than 20 minutes.

She lives within a short drive of here, less than 20 minutes.


그건 차로 20분 정도 거리야.

It's about a 20-minute drive away.


거긴 걸어서 20분 정도 거리야.

It's about a 20-minute walk away.


진짜 오랜만이에요.

It's been so long.


채팅에서 본 지 정말 오래만이에요.

It's been so long since I've seen you in the chat.

It's been such a long time since I've seen you in the chat. 


라면 진짜 오랜만에 먹는다. 라면 안 먹은지 진짜 오래됐어. (2가지 경우)

It's been so long since I've had Ramyeon.


정말 오랜만에 오신거죠? 맞죠?

You haven't been here in a really long time, right?


수영장에 정말 오랜만에 오신거죠?

You haven't gone swimming in a really long time?

You haven't done swimming in a really long time?


못 본 지 정말 오래 된 것 같아요.

I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.


화장 안 한 지 진짜 오래된 것 같아.

I feel like I haven't worn/put on/used/done make-up in forever. 


우리 같이 논 지 정말 오래된 것 같아.

I feel like we haven't hung out in forever.


그동안 어디 계셨어요?

Where (the hell) have you been?


그동안 뭐 하고 지냈어?

What have you been up to?


제가 운전할게요.

I'll drive us there.


선반 먼지 닦아.

Dust the shelves.


바닥 닦아.

Mop the floor.


장난감 치워.

Put away the toys.


나는 남편과 소개팅한 지 3개월 만에 결혼했어.

I got married after dating my husband for only 3 months.


어릴 적을 돌이켜보면,

Looking back on my childhood,

When I reflect on my early years,



Children today 


어르신들은 골프와 등산을 많이 한다.(취미로 즐긴다)

Elderly people take pleasure in playing golf and hiking mountains in Korea.

They often engage in golf and hiking.


사람이 나이가 들면,

As people age,


내가 했었던 봉사활동 중에 하나는 노인 목욕시키는 봉사활동이었어.

One of the volunteering I took on was assisting elderly individuals with bathing.


노인목욕시키는 봉사활동

Volunteer in assisting the elderly with bathing.


10살이 넘으면 많이 자라서, 스스로 할 수 있어.

Individuals over 10 years old are more mature and capable of taking care of themselves.


난 법정 드라마 같은 거 좋아해.

I kind of love courtroom dramas.


그게 내 흥미를 끌었어.

It piques my interest.


나 바빴어.

I had my hands full.


나는 내 아들한테 눈을 뗀 적이 없어.

I've never taken my eyes off my son.

I didn't take my eyes off my son ever.

I've kept my eyes on my son.


너도 알잖아. (어찌돌아가는지)

You know the drill.






