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영어/오늘의 한영훈련

(라이브아카데미)오늘은 어제랑 비슷했어.

by 원어민 2023. 11. 7.

오늘 어제랑 비슷했어. 거의 일만하면서 시간을 보냈어.

Today was pretty much the same as yesterday for me 

Because I spent most of my time working.


어제 티비 재밌게 봤어?

지난 몇 주에 비하면 재밌는 편이었어.

How was the TV show yesterday?

Yesterday's episode was actually pretty good. 

It was one of the better ones when you compare it to the last several weeks.


아까 한 얘기 이해했어요. 왠지 그 얘기일거라고 생각했어.

I got what you meant earlier. I had feeling that's what you were talking about. 



Two days in a row


당신을 이틀 연속으로 봐서 좋아요.

I'm happy to see you two days in a row.

