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(라이브아카데미) It started off really well.

by 원어민 2023. 10. 26.

시작은 좋았어.

It started off really well.


이국적인 설정이 어떤지는 모르지만, 

I don't know if it was because of its exotic setting,


처음 몇 가지 에피소드들은 정말 재미있었어.

but the first several episodes were really interesting.


4~5편 에피소드 가니깐, 답답하고 늘어지기 시작했어.

It wasn't until the 4th or 5th episode that I started to get a little antsy.


이런 거에 참을성이 있는편인데,

I mean, I'm pretty patient when it comes to these things,


스토리에 큰 도움이 되지 않는 부분들이 있었고, 좀 더 산만하게 느껴지는 부분들이 있었던 것 같아요.

but I feel like there were some parts that didn't really add to the story and felt more like distractions.


첫 시즘 중간쯤 가니깐,

나한테는 구멍이 보이드라.

About halfway through the first season, it was when the cracks started to show for me.


여기저기서 짜집기 한 느낌이었는데, 독창성이 부족한 것 같았어.

It felt like they were taking bits and pieces from here and there. It just lacked originality.


첫 시즌이 끝날 때쯤 되니깐 계속 봐야하는지 모르겠더라구.

By the time the first season came to an end, I was not sure I should keep watching.
