외국인들은 눈만 마주쳐도 안부인 사하지요~ 많은 표현에 익숙하도록 번갈아 사용해 보아요
How are you?
How's it going?
How is everything?
How are things?
Are you alright? (영국)
How's life treating you?
What's up?
What's new?
What's going on?
What have you been up to?
Howdy! (친한사이)
What's cooking? (친한 사이)
How's tricks? (친한 사이)
기분 좋을 때
I'm great. = I'm doing really well = I'm very well
Couldn't be better. = Never better
I feel great = I feel fantastic = I'm on cloud nine
보통일 때
I'm fine. I'm good. I'm well.
Same as usual. I'm okay, I'm alright.
Not so bad = Not bad = So so
Nothing much. I'm still the same.
I've been getting by. Can't complain.
별로일 때
I'm in a bad mood
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